• Q. What kinds of applications or sites does Maria build?

  • A. Maria's specialty stack is JavaScript. Front andback. However, she also works with WordPress (which also includes JavaScript, HTML, and CSS), and uses her own custom theme. She can also provide a commmunity add-on to WordPress web sites. And coming from digital photography and video, she likes to work with digital media features within her sites and/or applications.

  • Q. Where can I find some samples of her work?

  • A. To view applications and/or web sites she has built, visit the Projects tab in the header navigation menu. To view technical posts she has written, visit the Blog tab in the header navigation menu. She also has a voluminous amount of content that is in the form of slide decks, Github repositories, markdown homework files, to name a few. You will have to ask her directly about viewing that kind of content. And then it would only be for professional purposes.

  • Q. What drives Maria in her work? What is her philosphy? Her mission? Her goals?

  • A. To learn more about Maria's work philosophy, mission, and goals, visit the About tab in the header navigation menu.

  • Q. What is the purpose of the crescent moon in desktop view to the right of the header navigation menu?

  • A. When you click on the crescent moon, you are transitioned into dark mode.

  • Q. I see a sun in desktop view to the right of the header navigation menu. What does it mean?

  • A. It means that you are in dark mode. When you click on the sun, it transitions you into light mode. In light mode, the sun transforms*** into a crescent moon.

  • Q. What is the "Load Comments" button about at the bottom of all the blog and project posts?

  • A. When you click on the "Load Comments" button, it will load the comments for the post/project you are on. This is useful for when you are on a project or blog post and you want to see what comments have been made.

  • Q. What is the Comment box with the green that appears after I click on the "Load Comments" button?

  • A. The 1Comment1 box is where you can create and submit a comment. The repositoary for this site is public on Github, because the comment system used here called Giscus, powered by Github Discussions, requires the owners of repositories using Giscus to make their sites' Github repositories public.

  • Q. How exactly does Giscus work?

  • A. Giscus lets visitors leave comments and reactions on a website via Github. So not only do the comments appear on the web site, but they also appear in the site repository's Discussions tab.

  • Q. Is Giscus open source?

  • A. Yes. And it is free to use.

  • Q. Is a database needed?

  • A. No. All data is stored in Github discussions.

  • Q. Is there anything I need to do in order to be able to leave a Giscus comment?

  • Q. Is there anything else I have to do?

  • A. YES. To comment, you must authorize Giscus to post on your behalf using the Github OAuth flow. You can also choose to comment on the site's Github Discussion directly.

  • Q. When does the Giscus authorization process take place?

  • A. The authorization process kicks in when you try and submit your first comment.