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Next.js Environment Variable Support and the .env.local File

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This post was first published on my Next Blog on Sunday, February 19, 2023.

Previously, I had written a post about using dotenv with Next.js, and also adding the NEXT_PUBLIC prefix in front of environment variable names. Adding NEXT_PUBLIC and then placing process.env in front of the environment variable name and using it directly like that in your code will expose it to the browser. And you have to add NEXT_PUBLIC in order for that to happen. So something like the following:

const data = { email, api_key: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVERTKIT_API_KEY }

would be exposed to the browser. However, the following:

const data = { email, api_key: API_KEY }

would not, because it is saved as the value of a variable. And that is the way I have always approached my environment variables, especially when using dotenv. Which is what I do in the case of my business site.

However, I found out later, that this is redundant with Next.js. It is not necessary to use dotenv in order to be able to extract one’s environment variable values from the .env.local file.

It is important to note that you have to save your environment variables in your .env.local file. That is where Next.js expects you to keep your secrets.

It is also (most) important to note that you have to add your .env.local file to your .gitignore file immediately upon creation of your project before having committed and pushed any changes to remote. This is both so you don't forget to do so later, and to ensure that your sensitive information stored as the values of your variables are never exposed on Github or wherever else. Next.js' create-next-app does create a .gitignore file for you, and does include the .env*.local file there for you already, but if you are new to all this, it is good practice to double check the file. The .env file is NOT added there. That is meant for non-sensitive, default env var values, and therefore does not need to be included in .gitignore.

Below is what I have in my next.config.js file for my Next Blog which I am in the process of building, and in which I have set up both environment variables for development and production:

const webpack = require('webpack')

const withBundleAnalyzer = require('@next/bundle-analyzer')({
	enabled: process.env.ANALYZE === 'true',

	webpack: (config, { dev, isServer }) => {
			test: /\.svg$/,
			use: ['@svgr/webpack'],

		if (!dev && !isServer) {
			// Replace React with Preact only in client production build
			Object.assign(config.resolve.alias, {
				'react/jsx-runtime.js': 'preact/compat/jsx-runtime',
				react: 'preact/compat',
				'react-dom/test-utils': 'preact/test-utils',
				'react-dom': 'preact/compat',

		if (isServer) {
		if (!isServer) {

		return config

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
	/* Configure pageExtensions to include md and mdx */
	pageExtensions: ['ts', 'tsx', 'js', 'jsx', 'md', 'mdx'],
	/* Optionally, add any other Next.js config below */
	reactStrictMode: true,

module.exports = withBundleAnalyzer(nextConfig)

No evidence of env vars. No evidence of dotenv.

By default, Next.js provides us with 3 different environments. The environments available through Next.js by default are development, production, and test.

The way that I can differentiate between and even use both development and production environments locally , is I create an .env.development.local file for my development env vars (short for environment variables), and an .env.production.local file for my production env vars. I do this to test my production environment/build before I push to remote to avoid unexpected surprises.

However, and this is very important, I keep the env var names the same across environments and in the code. Otherwise, only one environment, the one defined in the code using ONE SET of env vars, will work.

AND, also very important, the env var names have to match on as well. So if I name my env var for my MongoDB database MONGODB_DATABASE in the code, then it has to be defined as MONGODB_DATABASE in both the .env.development.local file AND the .env.production.local file. Just the values are different. And these two files are what I use on my local machine to switch between development and production.

When I run npm run dev, the env vars in .env.development.local are extracted. And when I run npm start AFTER running npm run build to build my application's production code, then tbe env vars in .env.production.local are extracted.

Lastly, I have to add my env vars to my project on There, I also have to name the env var MONGODB_DATABASE, and add the value I want for production there. THEN everything works as expected both on my local machine AND on my remote server.

No need to require and call dotenv as I had done in the past. This was not wrong, but it means one less dependency to include, which is good for application optimization.

The Next.js documentation regarding support for environment variables is pretty good, and if you already have been using environment variables with dotenv in your Node.js projects in the past, it will be fairly easy to follow. I will be including reference to the Next.js documentation at the end of the post under Related Resources.

Happy Next.js developing with env vars!