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Connecting to MongoDB Compass to access local MongoDB databases via the new mongosh shell

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Connecting to MongoDB Compass to access local MongoDB databases via the new mongosh shell
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

It is very simple to connect to one’s local MongoDB databases using MongoDB Compass. All you need to do is connect to your (new) mongosh shell via Terminal. I installed my instance of the mongoldb-community’s latest version (6.0.1) using Homebrew. So to start the mongoldb-community service with Homebrew, I first run the following command:

brew services start mongodb-community

Next, I run the following command:


Then I run the following command to see what databases I have locally:

show dbs

Then I use the following command to switch to the database I want to use:

use bookit

In my case, I switch to a database called bookit.

Then, I go into MongoDB Compass intalled on my computer, and I start a new connection. When I open up `Compass``, it looks like the following:

Making a new connection to MongoDB Compass using the new mongosh shell
Photo by Interglobalmedia on Interglobalmedia

And, as you can see within the screenshot, I have entered my localhost url, so all I have to do is click on the Connect button. And when I do so, the following appears:

Connected to MongoDB Compass
Photo by Interglobalmedia on Interglobalmedia

Then, I just click on the `database`` of my choice in the sidebar to the left. And that is it!

Happy MongoDB Compassing!